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Year: 2023 impression


312 pp

ISBN: 9789388691543(HB)

Price: $64

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ISBN: 9789388691550(PB)

Price: $24

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About the Book

The development in all walks of life depends to a great extent on the quality of researches being conducted in different subjects and institutes. Researches are also being conducted for getting degree in the subjects of their specialization. To improve the quality of research, UGC has made a course work compulsory for all who intend to do research for getting Doctor of Philosophy in the subject and asked all universities and institutions to get the thesis uploaded on ‘Shodhganga’.

Meticulouslywritten by a learned and an experienced scholar, the bookcomprehensively covers various facets of research, even it tells the researcher how to write title, objectives, hypothesis-if applicable, etc. etc. which gives an edge to this volume. The book has been written in simple and lucid style giving examples and case studies for the benefit of postgraduate students, research fellows and teacher-educators.

About Author

Prof. Dayanand Sansanwal is former Head and Dean, Department of Education, Devi Ahliya University, Indore. Besides teaching in Devi Ahliya University, he taught Business Research Methods and Quantitative Techniques at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore and Business Research Methods at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi. After his retirement in August 2008, he has conducted more than 190 Workshops on Research Methodology, Statistics and Use of SPSS in different colleges, institutes and universities in India.

Prof. Sansanwal’s original contributions include Value Discussion Model, Jerk Technology, Educational Clinics, Educational Pathology Centre, and Multiple Discriminant Type Item, and which earned him the best Teacher Award by All India Association of Teacher Educators. Besides these he has published 450 papers in Indian as well as Foreign Journals of repute. He is actively dedicated to the improvement of Quality of Research in India.



1. Research: Concept, Types and Steps

Introduction; Research; Characteristics of Research; Difference among Discovery, Invention and Research; Types of Research; Steps of Research

2. Variables, Sources of Problem, Title and Objectives Writing

Introduction; Variable; Types of Variable; Sources of Problem; Points to be Kept in Mind While Selecting a Problem; Title Writing; Objectives Writing

3. Hypothesis

Introduction; Definition of Hypothesis; Basis and Forms of Hypothesis; Types of Hypothesis; Testing of Hypothesis; One Tailed Test and Two Tailed Test; Type I Error and Type II Error

4. Sampling

Introduction; Universe; Population; Sample; Frame; Sampling; Sampling Bias; Sampling Techniques; Sampling

Error; Sample Size

5. Tools/Instruments

Introduction; Characteristics of Tool/Instrument; Types of Tools; Difference Between Standardised and Non-Standardised Tools; Procedure of Development and Standardisation of Tool; Methods of Reliability; Methods of Validity; Norms; Non-

Standardised Tools; Observation Schedule; Interview Schedule;


6. Historical Method

Introduction; Definition; Origin; Nature; Purposes of Historical Research; Characteristics of Historical Method; Advantage of Historical Method; Disadvantage of Historical Method; Sources of Information; Checking Credentials of Data; Steps of Historical Research

7. Experimental Method

Introduction; Experimental Design; Principle of Experimental Design; Characteristics of Experimental Method; Methods of Control; Internal Validity; External Validity; Differences among Different Types of Experimental Design; Pre-Experimental Designs; Quasi-Experimental Designs; True Experimental Designs

8. Basics of Statistics

Introduction; Definition of Parameter and Statistic; Difference between Statistic and Parameter; Difference between Parametric Statistics and Non-Parametric Statistics; Scales of Measurement

9. t–Test

Introduction; Other Names of t-Test; Assumptions Underlying

t-Test; When to Use t-Test

10. Correlated t-Test

Introduction; Alternative Name of Correlated t-Test; Assumptions Underlying Correlated t-Test; When to Use Correlated t-Test; How to Write Objective for Correlated t-Test; How to Formulate Hypothesis; Which Statistical Technique to Use for Analysing Data

11. Analysis of Variance

Introduction; Different Names of ANOVA; Assumptions Underlying ANOVA; When to Use

12. Analysis of Covariance

Introduction; Different Names of ANCOVA; Assumptions Underlying ANCOVA; When to Use

13. Correlation

Introduction; Difference between Correlation and Association; Different Methods of Computing Correlation and Association;Advantages of Correltion; Disadvantages of Correltion; Another

Name of Product Moment Correlation; When to Use

14. Partial Correlation

Introduction; Definition of Partial Correlation; Assumptions Underlying Partial Correlation; When to Use

15. Multiple Correlation

Introduction; Definition of Multiple Correlation; Assumptions Underlying Multiple Correlation; When to Use

16. Regression Analysis

Introduction; Assumptions of Linear Regression Analysis; When to Use

17. Chi-Square Test

Introduction; Assumptions of Chi-Square Test; Name of Inventor; Use of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test; Uses of Chi- Square Test; When to Use

18. Mann-Whitney U Test

Introduction; When to Use Mann-Whitney U Test; Assumptions of Mann-Whitney U Test

19. Writing of Thesis or Research Report

Introduction; Salient Features of Writing Research Report or Thesis; Chapter Writing; Bibliography; Appendix

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