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Year: 2017


pp. xiv+138

ISBN: 9789386262219(HB)

Price: $34

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ISBN: 9789386262226(PB)

Price: $7

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About the Book

Education is a significant arena that is affected by policy changes. Private provision of education along market principles that advocate profit rather than broader aims of education, a subject of debate for long, raises concerns regarding equity and quality. Private education institutions, although serve the poor also, are said to be businesses.

 This workprobes the question of education in such ambience empowering the backward minorities, focusing on the Muslim community, and how it enables them to exercise control over their lives and well- being- the empowering element. It seeks to place empowerment at the centre of education policies and programmes. It also focuses on the question of educated individuals also taking responsibility for the progress of their community.

This book would be a stimulating and inspiring contribution worthy of attention and interest to academics, researchers, public policy makers, bureaucrats/education administrators, political leaders and social activists. It would also influence public perception of the role of education and education problems, and enable them to identify appropriate education needs oriented towards human empowerment.

About Author

Dr. A. Basheer taught Political Science for more than 30 years at University of Kerala and major Government Colleges under various universities of Kerala. He is a relentless and serious researcher. He was Associate Editor of the “Journal of Polity and Society” published from University of Kerala. He has published a number of research articles in reputed journals and research papers in edited books, and presented research papers in national and international seminars and workshops.





1      Introduction

2.     Education and its Role in Society

Education in Islam

Gandhian Education

Functions of Education

Education and Human Development

Education and Human Capital Development

Negative Effects of Education

Consequences of Lack of Education

3.     Empowerment: The Concept and Dimensions—Theoretical Perspectives

Empowerment and Exercise of Power

Empowerment and Leadership

Community Empowerment

Strategies of Empowerment

Empowerment through Education

Empowerment through Organisation

Empowering Minority Communities

Issues in Empowerment of Minorities

4.     Education Policy of Kerala

Global Context in Respect of Provision of Education

Constitutional Provisions Regarding Education in India

Right to Education

National Education Policy

Inclusive Education

Universal Education

Government Strategy to Promote Education.

Privatisation of Education: Neo-liberal Influence

Privatisation of Education

Rationale for Privatisation

Cost Recovery

Kerala Education Profile

Public Education in Kerala

Privatisation Galore in Kerala

Court Facilitates Freedom of the Private Sector

Asymmetrical System

5.     Socio-Economic Profile and Educational Status Muslim Community in Kerala

Status of Muslims in Kerala: Factors Responsible for their
Educational Backwardness

Asymmetry in Education Attainment

6.     Privatisation of Education and Empowerment: Experience of the Muslim Community in Kerala

Privatisation of Education and Empowerment of the Backward Muslim Community in Kerala

Access and Equity Problems

Scope of Private Sector Education as a Tool of Empowerment

Reducing Socio-economic Gap

Improvement in Economic Status

Quality Decline in Education

The Community Advancing Towards Progress and Empowerment

Capacity to Self-Determine Lives

Preference for Private Institutions




Additional Info.

"I have read the first half of your book with pleasure and agreement and hope to finish it soon. It takes more time than on eould expect from its size. If you beliefe that i could do something ot facilitate publication in other countries or draw attention to it in your own country, do not hesitate to let me know. With the expression of my appreciation and thanks."

Albert Einstein

To Amlan Datta, on reading his book: "For Democracy"1953

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