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Year: 2011



ISBN: 9788175415812

Price: $26

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About the Book

In gauging the nature and degree of the social wickedness of child labour, it is indispensable to take into account the character of the jobs on which the children are betrothed, the dangers to which they are exposed and the opportunities of development which they have been denied.

The book delineates in the socio-economic perspective the various dimensions of the institution of child labour in general and in the Indian context in particular. A debate is generated around the wider conceptual framework and meaning of this inhuman institution. A statistical treatment is also given with periodical breakup for the generation of valued reasons from global to Indian scenario. The whole study is twigged to the rehabilitation of child labourers in different sectors of the economy and its problems and prospects.

The book is about the various sociological variables stirring the nuances of child labour in Kashmir. A very professional and technical methodology is utilized in divulging the destructive dimensions of this institution violating the rights of the children. Arguments are structured around education, family, health, human rights, NGOs role, legal dimensions etc. with special focus on interventions. The book is a momentous contribution to the parsimonious literature on the subject and may interest sociologists, economists, social workers, policy makers and planners, and development activists.

About Author

Bilal Bhat is a Scholar of Sociology from the University of Kashmir. He has to his credit number of articles related to different themes and published in various national and international journals of repute in USA, Russia, Slovakia, Uzbekistan, Kenya, Nigeria, Korea, India, etc. He has also carried out field work in various regions of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Andhijan, Namangan, Fergana in Uzbekistan, Kashmir and India on different themes.



List of Abbreviations

1. Introduction
Concept of Child Labour/2; General Definitions/4; A Brief History of Child Labour/6; Child Labour at the Global Level/8; Trends in Children's Work/10; Sectoral Distribution of Children's Work/10; Human Rights Perspective and Legal Framework of Child Labour/13; Convention on the Rights of the Child/13; World Conference on Human Rights/13; Constitutional Safeguards in India/17; Legal Measures for Protection of Child Labour/18; Education and Child Labour/19; Child Labour and School Achievement/21; Child Labour and Gender/23; Culture of Exploiting Women and Female Children/26; Globalization and Child Labour/27; Globalization and Decrease in Child Labour/28; Globalization and Increase in Child Labour/29

2. Child Labour in India
Nature of Child Labour in India/41; Causes of Child Labour/42; Bonded Child Labour in India/42; Magnitude of Child Labour in India/45; The Census 2001 Reports/50; Child Labour and Kashmir/51; The Census 2001 Reports/53; Statement of the Problem/55

3. Literature Review
Studies on Child Labour/58; Global Level Studies/59; National Level Studies/63; Child Labour Studies in Kashmir/67; Book Review/71

4. Wider Theoretical Frame on Child Labour
The Labour Market Perspective/103; The Human Capital Perspective/103; The Social Responsibility Perspective/104; The Child-Centered Perspective/105; Theory of Inequality, Productivity, and Child Labour/105; Karl Marx/106; Theoretical Explanations of Child Abuse/106; Theoretical Models/Perspectives on Social Problems/109; Using the Theoretical Perspectives/114; Constructing Social Problems/115

5. Research Methodology
The Problem/118; Definition of the Terms Used/121; Magnitude of the Problem/121; Objectives of the Study/122; Hypotheses/123; Universe/123; Sampling/124; Tools of Data Collection/125; Collection and Analysis of Data/126; Limitations/126

6. Child Labour in Kashmir
Age and Sex Composition/128; Religion/129; Educational Information/130; Family Background/132; Occupation of Parents/132; Education of Parents/134; Occupation of Child Labourers/134; Place of Work/135; Working Hours/135; Duration of Present Job/136; Interest in Work/136; Wages/137; Loan Locations/140; Working Conditions/140; Health Conditions/141; Space/144; Lunch and Tea Facilities/145; Holidays/145; Overtime Work/146; Rest Intervals/147; Children's Behaviour about Nature of Work and Satisfaction with the Behaviour of Employer/148; Reaction of Family Members about Economic Contribution/150; Number of Employees Working at the Work Place/150; Child Labour Laws/151; Other Working Child/Children in the Family/152; Satisfaction with Present Life Circumstances/153; Foreseeing Future/153; Child Labour and Human Rights/154; Knowledge of Children's Rights/157; Parents/Guardians and Employers Perception about Child Labour, its Conditions and Consequences/159; Personal Information of the Parents/Guardians/161; Number of Children Studying and Working in the Family/163; The Work in which Children are Engaged/164; Nature of Work/164; Reason for Sending Children to Work/165; Contribution of Children to Family Income/166; Facilities at the Working Centre/Unit/167; Satisfaction with Facilities/168; Wage Conditions/169; Criteria for Determining Wages/169; Collection of Wages and Payment of Wages/170; Fulfillment of Basic Needs at Home/170; Receiving an Advance Payment or Loan/170; Labour and Career/171; Awareness about child Labour Laws/172; Abolition of Child Labour/173; Views about the Abolition of Child Labour/173; Sending Children to School/174; Role of Community in the Elimination of Child Labour/174; Role of Employers in the Elimination of Child Labour/175; Role of Governmental and Non-governmental Organizations/176; NGO's Initiative/176; Focused Cases/177

7. Conclusions and Suggestions

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