The book covers a wide range of issues and themes relating to the management and supervision of educational institutions. It highlights the significance of the observations made by the Kothari Commission that 'The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms'. Accordingly it analyses the role of the Heads Teachers Administrators and Supervisors in training the students in the 'Art of Living' harmoniously and developing ideals and values needed in 'an enlightened citizen' of a democratic and secular State. The book may be useful for pre and in service teachers.
S Gupta is Post Graduate from Delhi University Delhi and has been associated with teaching for the last twenty years. She has widely travelled and participated in several school programmes. She has authored a book entitled Education in Emerging India and co-authored two books with Sh. J C Aggarwal.
J.C. Aggarwal is a former Deputy Director of Education and Executive Director of the Delhi Bureau of Textbooks Delhi Administration Delhi. He worked at the grassroots level as a Post-graduate teacher principal plan evaluation officer and educational supervisor and administrator. He also taught in a Post-graduate Teacher Training College. He is widely travelled and has written extensively on education and contemporary issues.
Section I
School Management: Concept, Characteristics and Scope
Meaning of the Concept of School Management; Characteristics of School Management; Origin and Meaning of School Management; Objectives of School Management; Main Functions of School Management; Scope of School Management: 5 Ms; School Management Process; Influencing Efficient School Management; Flexibility and Not Rigidity in School Management: Management Good Servant but a Bad Master; Changing Concept of School Management: Factors Affecting School Management ; and Democratic School Management; Chief characteristics of a Well Manage School; Principles of Effective and Inspirational School Management; Administration, Management and Organisation
Management Approaches and Decision Making
Approaches to Management; Manpower Approach; Cost Benefit Approach or Rate of Return Approach;Social Demand Approach; Social Justice Approach; Decision Making; Significance of Decision-Making; Types of Decisions; Types of Administrative Behaviour Decisions; Decision-Making Process;Four-Stage Process of Decision-Making; Factors and Problems in Decision-Making; Competencies and Skills Needed in Decision-Making
Physical Infrastructure of the School
Effective Physical Infrastructure of the School; Meaning of Physical Infrastructure of the School; Availability, Adequacy and Utilisation of Infrastructure; Principles of Managing Physical Infrastructure; General Principles of Designing School Building; Scientific Planning of Schools; Selection of School Site or Place; Area Requirements: Space for the School; Types f Building Design of a School; Class room Equipment/Infrastructure; Management of Space; Problems of School Buildings and Recommendations of Commissions and Committees; School Building andPlaygrounds as per H.P. Education Code
School Library, Laboratories, Playground and Hostel
Importance of the School Library: Hub and Centre of Intellectual and Literary Life; Organisation of a Good Library: Role of the Librarian; Central or Class Library; Subject Libraries; Encouraging Students to Make the Best Use of School Library; School Laboratory; The Playground as the Uncovered School; School Hostel
Section II
School Head: Qualities and Duties
Supreme Position: As the Head, So is the School; Multiple Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships of the Head of the School; Important Management Roles; What is the Head Like?; Qualities of the Head as per Himachal Pradesh Education Code; Duties of the Head of School as Per Himachal Pradesh Education Code; Role of the Head in Planning, Monitoring, Supervision and Evaluation; Role of the Head in Monitoring; Role of the Head in Supervision; Role of the Head in Monitoring and Supervision; Role of the Head in Evaluation; Delegation of Authority and Accountability; Accountability in School Education: Importance, Need and Meaning; Meaning and Definition of Accountability; Dimensions of Accountability; Methods Used for Assessing Accountability; Issues Involved in Accountability; Broad Parameters Determining Accountability of an Institution; Tools and Techniques Used
The Teacher
Teaching as a Profession; Characteristics of the Teaching Profession; Professional Trait of a Teacher; Significant Trait Attached With Each Letter of the Word Teacher; Roles of the Teacher; Instructional Input; Teacher as a Manager and Facilitator of Instruction; Teacher as a Counsellor; Teacher as a Community Leader
Class room Management
Meaning and Concept of Class room Management; Significance of Class-room Management; Four-Fold Process of Class-room Management; Influencing Factors of Class-room Management; Techniques of Class-room Management; Teaching Skills; Class Discipline: Code of Behaviour; Effective Group Dynamics; Various Ways of Codifying Student’s Behaviour: Acceptable Students Behaviour
An Overview of Teachers Roles, Functions and Status: Views of Eminent Thinkers
Great Thinkers on the Significant role and status of the teacher; A Few Epithets about Teachers; Responsibilities of the Teachers as per H.P. Code (2001)
Section III
Educational Administration in the State of Himachal Pradesh
Introduction; Educational Administrative Structure of a State; Pyramid Structure of Educational Administration and Management; Broad Pattern of the Administration Setup of the State Department of Education; Acts and Codes Providing Legal Foundation to the Organisation, Administration and Management of Education in Himachal Pradesh; Number of Educational Institutes in the State of Himachal Pradesh (2003-2004); Expansion of School Education (Schools) in Himachal Pradesh (1993 and 2002); Structure of Education in Himachal Pradesh; Organisational Set-up of Education Department of Himachal Pradesh; Himachal Pradesh Education Code; Himachal Pradesh State Board of School Education; Functions of the Himachal Pradesh Board of Education; Recommendations for Strengthening the Functioning of the Board
Co-Curricular Activities
Concept of Co-curricular Activities; Principles of Organising Co-curricular Activities; Role of a Teacher in Co-curricular Activities; Description of Various Co-curricular Activities; Student Participation and Student Self-Government
Section IV
School Time Table
Concept of School Time-Table; Types or Forms of a School Time-table; Principle of School Time-table Construction; Problems in the Construction of the Time-table; Tyranny of the School Time-table and Modern Protests: Flexibility of Time-table; Role of the Teacher and the Time-table; Time-table and Allied Matters as Specified in the Himachal Education Code
School Records and Registers
Indispensability of School Records; Need of School Records; Need of School Records for the School, Class-room Teachers and Pupils; Maintenance and Essential Requisites of School Records; Mode of Keeping Records; Broad Classification or Type of School Records; Description of Some Important School Registers and Records; Cumulative Records; Contents of the Cumulative Record Card; Characteristics of a Cumulative Record; Admission and Withdrawal Register; Stock of Non-consumable Articles; Accounts and Financial Records; Miscellaneous Records; Records and Registers as Prescribed by the Himachal Education Code; Specimen of School Records
Supervision and Inspection
Nomenclature of the word Supervisor, Education Officer, Inspector, Adviser and Consultant; Concept of Supervision; Characteristics of Supervision; Types of Supervision and Inspection; Epithets Given to School Inspection; Scope of Supervision: Contents of Supervision and Inspection; Scope of Supervisory Activities; Changing Concepts of Supervision and Inspection; Aims and Objectives of Supervision; Defects in the Present System of Supervision and Inspection; An Interesting Account of an Inspectors Traditional Visit: Shortcomings in the Inspection; Supervisory or Inspection Staff; Inspection Report: Norms of Inspection; Supervision Report; Steps in Supervision; Inspection of Middle Schools, by Heads of Complex Schools; Guidelines for Supervisors; Purposes of Observation or Class-room Visitation; Principles and Procedures of Observation; Supervisory Procedures and Guidance: Role of the Supervisor; Check List for Evaluation and Supervision of Instruction
Revamping Supervision and Inspection
Defects in the Present Supervision and Inspection; Suggestions for Improving Supervisory Practices; Concluding Remarks; Human Relations and Principles of Supervision and Inspection; Principles of Good Inspection/Supervision; Qualities of a Supervisor/Inspector