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Year: 2004


219 pp

ISBN: 9788175411760

Price: $22

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About the Book

The book is primarily concerned with the emerging world views within the country, its potentials to rise as a political power, and also as an inspiring force socially and culturally among its neighbouring Islamic societies. Moreover it tries to bring these developments into focus by examining them within the framework of Egypt's own historical experiences.

The issues raised by the scholar contributors to this volume deal with situations prevalent in Egypt under Western impact. Such issues as social concerns of modern Arabic literature in Egypt, demonstrative ability of Egyptian feminism, bases of Egyptian nationalism, whether it is Arab-centric or Euro-centric, religious and social reforms, nature of State and the status of democratic values, linkage between democracy and economic liberalization, the Egyptian willingness for Mediterranean cooperation, and Indo-Egyptian cultural proximity through history, have drawn particular attention.

The book may be useful for researchers, scholars and policymakers in the area.

2nd Dec 2003

Rs. 550
US$ 40


About Author

Dr. Zohurul Bari is an Associate Professor in the Centre of Arabic and African Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His doctoral work is on a subject related to early evolution of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). He has travelled widely in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world and has published his research works on a variety of subjects related to developments in West Asia, more specifically on Islamic resurgence in Egypt and other neighbouring areas.


Introduction: Zohurul Bari
Political Parties and State Politics:
The New Wafd Party of Egypt: Zaheer M. Qureshi
The State and Society in Mubarak's Egypt: Ankush B. Sawant
Globalization and Pulls of Regionalism:
Liberalization, Islamic Movements and Democracy in Contemporary Egypt: Anwar Alam
Regionalism and Egypts' Quest for Mediterranean Cooperation: Muhammad Azhar
Perspectives in Culture:
Debate Over the Future of Culture in Egypt: Zohurul Bari
Women Writing in Egypt: Ismat Mehdi
Religios and Social Reforms:
Salafism of Shaykh Muhammad ' Abduh: Zohurul Bari
Reform of Muhammad Rashid Rida - A View of his Writings in Al-Manar: Manzar Alam
Concerns of Literature:
Egyptian Society in Modern Poetry - From French Occupation to English Rule:
Muhammad Rashid Nadvi & Mirza Nehal Ahmad Baig
Religious Deviations and Cultural Themes in Modern Arabic Literature of Egypt: Muhammad Salahuddin Umari
India-Egypt Cultural Relations:
Indo-Egyptian Cultural Relations Relations Restrospect and Prospect: A.K. Pasha

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