xiv + 225 pp, rev. ed., First Published in 2003
The book has been planned and prepared to prove a trustworthy friend and philosopher and to provide meaningful guidance to all those interested in the proper care and development of children. It is especially addressed to prospective teachers. It attempts to provide suitable answers to such challenging questions: How do children grow and develop? What are the various stages of development? What are the needs of a specific stage? What is the significance of providing a healthy environment? What role should the school and the family play in the optimum growth and development of children? All these questions are discussed in the Indian Context.
Where needed, text is supplemented by diagrams, experiments, illustrations and tables.
The book responds to the needs of a wide range of potential readers.
J C Aggarwal, a former Deputy Director of Education and Executive Director of the Delhi Bureau of Textbooks, Delhi Administration has written extensively on Education, History and contemporary affairs. Before Joining Delhi Administration, he taught in a Postgraduate Teacher Training College.
Section 1: Child Development & Process of Learning
Overview of Child Development: Introduction,The Progress of Nations Depend upon the Development of Their Children, Children's Perspective of Their Needs: A World Fit for Children, How Children Learn, Needs of a Child Cannot Wait, Development of Children: Two Historical Letters; One from Abraham lincoln and the other from Jawaharlal Nehru, Prominent Educators and Thinkers on the Development and Learning of Children, Constitutional Provisions Regarding Child's Development, National Policy for Children (1974) (Extracts), National Policy on Education-NPE 1986 and as modified 1992, UN and Its Organisations on Child Development, Definition of a child Child Development Significance Meaning and Its Relevance to the Teacher:Significance of Child Development; Meaning of Child Development; Development of the whole child; Goal of Child Development; Basic Needs and Child Development;Nature of Child Development; Scope of Child Development; Relevance of Child Development for the Teacher and Especially on Elementary Teacher in Understanding the Learner and His Behaviour. Approaches/Methods Used to Understand Learner's Behaviour: Variety of Approaches/Methods;Case Study Approach; Experimentation; Observation; Interview; Sociometry Growth and Development: Development, Growth and Maturation; Growth and Development compared; Characteristics and Principles of Development; Educational Implications of the Principles of Development; Stages of Development; Characteristics of Each Stage of Human Growth and Development; Significance of the Knowledge of the Growth and Development Processes to the Teachers; Growth Rate, Growth Curve: Characteristics and Stages; Developmental Needs of Children; Developmental Tasks Heredity (Nature) and Environment (Nurture): Introduction; Meaning of Heredity; Principles of Heredity: How Heredity Operates; Chart Showing the Contribution of Heredity on Personality Development; Environment; Hereditarians' Arguments and Studies; Criticism of Hereditarian's Point of View; Environmentalists' Point of view; Some Studies of Environment; Relative Contribution of Heredity and Environment on Growth and Development; Influence of Heredity and Environment Compound; Educational Implications of the Role of Heredity and Environment Common Play Activities of Childhood Their Role in Growth and Development: Introduction; Origin of the Term Play-Way; Definition and Meaning of Play-way; Main Characteristics of Play; Wrong Concepts About Play; Where Does the Child Play?; Forms of Free Play Activities; Principles of Play-Way; Play-Way Importance and Value; Play-way Activities, Spirit and Learning of Various Subjects and Experiences; Application of Play-way Attitudes and Different Methods of Teaching-Learning; Play-Way and Soft Pedagogy;Role of the Teacher; Concluding Remarks
Physical Development of Children: Importance of Physical Development; Meaning and dimensions of Physical Growth and Development; General Pattern of Physical Growth and Development; Anatomical Growth and Development; Growth and Development; Physical Characteristics and Needs of Children; Important General Characteristics of Child's Development; Common Causes of Delayed Motor and Physical Development; Factors Affecting Physical Growth and Development; Educational Implications of the Physical Development of the Children;Organisation of Physical Development Programme Motor Development: Meaning of Motor Development; Classification of Motor Skills of Childhood; Classification According to Fine Motor Skills and Gross Motor Skills; Motor Development Characteristics; Sex Difference in Motor Development Gradually, Coordination of Motor Skills with age increases; Principles of Motor Development; Process of Motor Development; Significance of Motor Development: Educational Implications; Guiding Motor Control and Development: Role of Teachers Cognitive Development: Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development: Three Aspects of Behaviour; Meaning of Cognitive Development; Cognitive Development Process;Various Areas or Aspects of Mental Development; Factors Affecting intellectual or Cognitive Development; Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development (Mental or Intellectual Development); Cognitive Development at the Sensorimotor Stage (Birth to Two Years); Cognitive Development at the Pre-operational Stage (2-7 Years); Cognitive Development at the Concreate Operational Stage (7-11 Years); Cognitive Development at Formal Operations Stage (11-15 Years or Adulthood); Educational Implications of Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development; Problems Related to Cognitive Development; Identification of Cognitive Learning Problem; Cognitive Organisational Skills of the Teacher for the Cognitive Development of the Learners; Suggestive Activities for Facilitating Cognitive Development Language Development: Meaning and Significance of Language Development: Language is the Vehicle for the transmission of Culture; Nature and Characteristics of Language Development; Sequence of Language Development; Increase in Vocabulary in Relation to Age; Kinds of Competence in Language; Order of Priority in the Teaching of Language; Some Speech Difficulties of Disorders; Problems of Language Development; Factors Affecting Language Development; Teacher-The Architect of Child's Language Development; Suggestive Guidelines for Improving Children's Comprehension; Activities for Developing Readiness and Writing; Activities for Developing Spoken and Written Language
Emotional Development: Significance of Emotional Development; Meaning of Emotions; Chief Characteristics of Emotions; Positive Effects of Emotions; Negative Effects of Emotion; Understanding Emotions of Anger, Fear, Love and Jealousy; Training, sublimating and Modifying Emotion; Factors at Home and at School which disturb the emotional Development of Children; Factors Influencing Emotional Development of Children; Role of the School and the Teacher in the Emotional Development of the Child Social Development: Meaning of Social Development; Definitions of Social development; Social Behaviour of the Child at Different Stages; Factors Affecting the Social Development of the Child; Role of the School in the Social Development of the Child; Teacher's Role in the Social Development of the Child Inter-Relationships and Interdependence of Various Aspects of Development Role of Family and Teacher: Significance of Inter-Relationships and Interdependence of Various Aspects of Development; Role of the Family in the Development of the Child; Role of the School in the Development of the Child; Classroom Climate and Teacher's Role in the Development of the Child Personality Development Habit Formation: Meaning of Personality; Complex Nature of Personality and Countless Definitions of Personality; Characteristics of Personality; Important Elements of Personality; Behavioural Patterns of Personality; Marks of Balanced Development Personality; Classification or Types of Personality; Determinants of personality; Role of the School and the Teacher in the Development of Integrated Personality of the child; Self Concept; Habit Formation
Concept and Nature of Learning: Meaning and Definition of Learning; Nature and Characteristics of Learning; Aims, Objectives and Outcomes of Learning; Learning Process; Aspects of the Learning Process in the Class; Principles Laws of Learning and the Teacher Types of Learning: Several Classifications of Types of Learning; Major Domains of Learning; Educational Implications of Domains of Learning; Cognitive Domain and Educational Implications; Affective Domain of Learning Formation of Attitudes, Emotions and Values; Psychomotor Learning and Educational Implications
Determinants or Factors of Learning: Classification of Determinants of Learning; Factors Influencing Learning;The Child as a Learner; Subject Matter and Its Presentation as a Factor in Learner; Environment as a Factor in Learning; Teacher as the Inductor of Change and a Factor in Learning; Some Problems in the Field of Learning; Making Learning Affective: Role of the School and the Teachers; Learning and Maturation; Motivation in Learning
Mode of Learning: Theories of Learning; Thorndike's Theory or Mode of Learning by Trial and Error; Thorndike's Experiments; Characteristics of Trial and Error Theory; Laws of Learning Propounded by Thorndike; Educational Implications of Trial and Error Mode of Learning; Learning by Conditioning or Conditioning Mode of Learning; Meaning of Conditioning; Experiment conducted by Pavlov; Explanation of Conditioning; Experiment conducted by Watson; Principles of Conditioning which are Helpful in Learning; Application of Classical Conditioning to Learning; Mode of Learning by Insight; Meaning of the Mode of Learning by Insight; Experiments of KohlerL; Factor upon which Learning by Insight Depends; Educational Implications and the Role of the Teacher; Evaluation of Various Modes of Learning
Memory and Forgetting: Significance of Memory; Meaning of Memory; Definitions of Memory; Memory System; Kinds/Types of Memory; Factors Contributing to Good Memory; Signs of Good Memory; Methods of Measurement of Retention; General Characteristics of Children's Memory and Adult's Memory; Economical Methods of Memorising; Forgetting; Meaning of Forgetting; Nature and characteristics of Forgetting; Curves of Forgetting; Causes and Minimising Forgetfulness
Transfer of Learning: Meaning of Transfer of Learning; Definition and Nature of Transfer of Learning; Transfer of Training: Two Schools of Thought; Classification of Transfer Learning; Significance of Transfer of Learning; Areas of Transfer of Learning; Principles of Transfer of Learning; Implications of Transfer of Learning for Teaching-Learning Situations
Creativity: Meaning of Creativity; Nature of Creativity;Characteristics of Creative Personality; Creativity and Mental Abilities; Theories of Creativity; Factors which Hinder Creativity; Need for Creativity; Divergent Thinking and Creativity; Identification of Creativity or Measuring Creativity; Strategies for Developing and Fostering Creative Potential; Promotion of Creativity in the Home; Role of the School and the Teacher in Developing and Fostering Creativity.
Suggestive Guidelines for Teachers for Optimum Development and Learning of the Learners; General Guidelines; A to Z of Teaching Competencies and Skills which make Teaching-Learning Effective