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Year: 2004

Bibliography: 163pp

ISBN: 817541183X

Price: $8

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About the Book

For bold young spirits run away is an adventure, an act to face and feel life from close quarters. First flight of birds from their nests, after having got wings, is a great experience and it will be wrong to call the birds run away after their first flight. If a girl does so then questions arise are: Does she enjoy her life? What does she gain or lose by running away? How does she fight out the problems faced? Answers to all these questions, and much more are in the novel.

Rs 195 US$ 12

About Author

Romesh Pandey is a retired army officer. He is widely traveled, has read many books, has a special interest in ethology, knows many Indian languages and a bagful of war experiences from 1953 to 1979. He has to his credit a book entitled Short Stories from Uttaranchal (Shipra, 2004) and his second set of ten short stories pertaining to Army life and other stories.


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