This book is focusing on evaluating the science textbook at secondary level and sets out a range of academic perspectives on how that analysis should be done. It focuses on different aspects of science textbook appraisal with coverage of everything from theoretical and philosophical underpinnings, methodological issues, and conceptual frameworks for critical analysis, to practical techniques for evaluation from the point of view of the teachers to find out how suitable and relevant a textbook is to the structure of the curriculum as per National Education Policy 2020. This book answers these questions: What is the evaluation of science textbook at secondary stage from the standpoint of science teachers in the aspects – general appearance, the book’s introduction, contents of the book, aids and activities, the contribution of the book to the development of students’ attitudes toward science, evaluation methods contained, the appropriateness of the number of weekly classes, the availability of laboratories and the necessary materials to carry out activities, and finally the language of the book.
The book may be found useful by the scholars, researchers and stakeholders in the subject.
Dr. Rashmirekha Das having M.Sc. and M.Phil. in Geology from Utkal University, M.Ed. Ph.D. in Education from Sambalpur University has been teaching Science. She is also a post-doctoral fellow of Greens Boro University, North Carolina, USA. Dr. Das has published many research papers in international and national level scoops indexed journals and attended several seminars, webinars and conferences. Presently, she is associated with Raisar Kharisan Government High School, Raisar, Odisha.
Acknowledgments/ 5
Abbreviations/ 9
National Education Policy and Curriculum Framework/ 11
Introduction / 11; School Education as per National Education Policy 2020 / 12; Importance of Science Education in School Curriculum / 13; Aims and Objectives of Teaching Science at Secondary Level / 15; National Curriculum Framework 2005 and Science Education / 17; National Curriculum Framework 2023 and Science Education / 20; Curricular Goals, Competencies and Illustrative Learning Outcomes at Secondary Stage / 23; Science Education and Science Textbook at Secondary Level as per NEP 2020 / 26; Importance of Textbooks in Science Education as per NEP 2020 / 28; Criteria of Quality Biological Science Textbook / 30; Evaluating Science Textbooks – Theoretical Framework / 30; Role of Teachers in Textbook Evaluation / 34; Need and Significance / 38; Research Questions / 41; Objectives / 42; Hypothesis of the Study / 43; Operational Definition of the Term Used / 43; Scope and Delimitation of the Study / 43
II. Studies on Science Textbooks/ 44
Introduction / 44; Review of Related Studies on Textbook Analysis / 45; Research on Teachers’ Perceptions towards the Textbooks / 67; Discussion of Literature Review related Science Textbook / 69; Research Gap / 72
III. Research Design and Methodology of Study/ 73
Introduction / 73; Method of Study / 73; Population / 74; Sample and Sampling Technique / 76; Tools Used / 78; Procedure for Data Collection / 80; Analysis of Data / 81; Conclusion / 81
IV. ‘Jiba Bigyan’ Biological Science Textbook of Class IX: Analysis and Interpretation/ 82
The Context: Biological Science Textbook of Class IX – An Introduction / 82; Opinion of Biological Science Teachers on Content of Textbook / 90; Opinion of Teachers on Different aspects of Biological Science Textbook of Class IX / 92; Overall Assessment of Biological Science Textbook of Class IX / 109; Evaluation of Biological Science Textbook of Class IX on the Basis of Responses of Experts / 112; Strength and Weaknesses of Biological Science Textbook / 116; Measures for the Improvement of Class IX Biological Science Textbook / 119; Discussions / 121
V. Improving Science TextbooksSuggestions and Educational Implications/ 125
Major Findings / 125; Suggestions for Improvement / 127; Educational Implications / 128; Suggestions for Further Study / 130; Conclusion / 130
Bibilography/ 132