Mainstreaming of the disabled is a must as countries cannot afford to waste the talents of a vast section of children just because they have some disability. There are instances where disabled children have excelled in various fields. This book provides an insight into the world of the disabled their needs their problems and ways to cope with them.
The concept of mainstreaming of disabled has gradually been taking root in the education system. While such a step is eminently desirable in the larger social perspective the teachers need to acquire special abilities to identify the out of the ordinary needs of the individual child develop among themselves appropriate management skills in a class comprising children of diverse levels of learning abilities use special equipment adopt special instructional methods and material adapt the normal educational curriculum to suit the situation and above all in displaying a humane approach in handling children with special needs.
This book attempts to provide detailed guidelines to teachers in identification and effective education of children with special needs in a normal school setting. It is hoped that the material included in the book will help the teachers develop a sense of awareness about the requirements of such children and in translating this awareness into effective methods of instruction. Specific illustrations have been included for curriculum modifications and teaching strategies to suit different types of disabilities. It is also expected that the book will be useful for normal as well as disabled children to understand each other and grow and learn together in a mutually beneficial manner.
The book also explains various concepts in the field of disabilities indicates the size of the problem and outlines various current policies and programmes in the field of special education.
Dr. Rashmi Agrawal (b. 1956) is a Ph.D. in Psychology from Lucknow University. She did P.G. Diploma in Guidance and Counselling from NCERT New Delhi and later specialized in rehabilitation and counselling from the University of California USA.
She has been deeply interested in social issues and has done research work independently of her official assignments. She has authored four books entitled Drug Abuse: Socio-Psychological Perspectives and Intervention Strategies; Street Children; Gender Issues: A Road Map to Employment and Educational Vocational Guidance and Counselling; and has published/presented a number of technical papers.
She is presently working as Chief and Head of the Gender and Child Studies Unit and also Training Unit of the Institute of Applied Manpower Research Planning Commission New Delhi.
Banda Venkata Lakshmi Narasimha Rao (b. 1937) retired from Indian Statistical Services in 1995. He served in Ministry of Labour GOI in various capacities Central Institute for Research and Training in Employment Service as Director and in Planning Commission as Dy. Advisor. He also worked with ILO on projects in Bangkok and Hanoi. After retirement Rao has been consultant to organizations like NCAER NLI etc. He has presented/published many papers and co-authored a book with Dr. Rashmi Agrawal entitled Gender Issues: A Road Map to Employment.
Special Education: An Introduction
Definition of Exceptional Children;Historical Evolution of Education of the Disabled;Concepts of Impairment Disability and Handicap;Types of Disabilities;Degree of Disability;The Changing Terminology;Concepts of General Special Integrated and Inclusive Education;Concept of Education for All and Equal Opportunities of Education: A Differentiation;Objectives of Special Education;Need for Special Education
Incidence of Disabilities
Concepts of Prevalence and Incidence of Disabilities;Prevalence of Disabilities in the World;Incidence of Disability
Children with Mental Retardation
Categories of Mental Retardation;How to Identify Mentally Retarded;The Assessment;Causes of Mental Retardation;Preventive Measures;Disorders Relating to Mental Retardation;Helping the Mentally Retarded;Educating the Mentally Retarded;Instructions and Functional Strategy
Children with Hearing and Speech Impairment
Causes of Hearing Disability;Hearing Disability Speech and learning;Early Detection;Assessment;Identification of Hearing Impaired (Characteristics);Educating the Hearing Disabled;Glossary of terms used in Speech Pathology and Audiology
Children with Visual Impairments
Causes of Blindness;How to Identify a Visually Impaired Child;Colour Blindness;Prevention and Remedies for Visual Impairment;Tools Helpful for Visually Impaired;Dealing with Children with Visual Impairment;Education for the Visually Impaired;Pre-Requisites for Education of Visually Disabled;Teaching Plan
Orthopaedically Handicapped
Disorders related to Orthopaedic Handicap;Effects of Orthopaedic Impairments;Prevention;Characteristics;Measurement;Role of Teachers;How to Deal with Orthopaedic Children;Writing Aids
Learning Disabilities
Causes of Learning Disabilities;How to Identify Learning Disabled;Assessment of Learning Disability;Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder (ADHD);How to Deal With Learning Disabled Children;Pre-Requisites to Educate Learning-Disabled Child;Educating the Learning Disabled;Precautions for the Teachers
Adjustment Problems of Disabled and Coping Strategies
Some Specific Problems of Disabled;Role of the Family;Role of the School;Role of Community
Identification and Assessment of Children with Special Needs
Identification and Assessment;Need for Early identification;Process and Basis of Identification and Assessment;Formal Assessment;Role of Teachers in Identification and Assessment
Teaching Learning Strategies and Social Educational Provisions
Curriculum Adjustment and Adaptation;(B) Classroom Management;(C) Peer Tutoring;(D) Teaching Strategies;(E) Teaching and Social Perception Skills;An Appropriate Teaching Strategy
Integrated and Inclusive Education for the Disabled
Integrated Education;Inclusive Education;Specific Considerations in Mainstreaming of the Disabled:(A Plan of Action)
Policies and Programmes
Constitutional Obligations Universalisation of Elementary Education;Policies for Education of Persons with Disabilities;Integrated Education;Special Institutions for the Disabled;Facilities for the Education of the Disabled
State-Wise Disabled Population by Type of Disability 2001
National Policy for Persons with Disabilities
Scheme of Integrated Education for the Disabled Children (As on 01.01.2004)
Guidelines for Evaluation of Various Disabilities
Special Devices
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