*Not Available
Rapid developments in Information Technology are changing the way people communicate, locate, retrieve and use information. Libraries and Information Centres have been embracing these challenges posed by this new scenario more profoundly and are using IT services, devices and electronic products. Use of computers, linking with networks and internet, digitization of material and handling audio-visual material etc. are now important components in transforming traditional organizational structures into new institutional entities. This manual has been planned to achieve all these goals.
The various functions and 'day-to-day' jobs to be performed have been explained in 'how-to-do' step by step with specimen of letters and essential notes, comprehensive guidance about automation of the library and use of internet, web sites and net-working, has been provided. Important documents pertaining to up-gradation, pay scales, ACP Scheme, important court decisions in favour of library staff and latest Government of India norms for determining the strength of library staff, have been appended.
The library and information science students, teachers, practitioners and all those who are interested in libraries, may find this manual useful.
M. K. Jain is a veteran library scientist and former Director of the Planning Commission Library, Government of India, New Delhi. He has been actively associated with national and international library associations, and honoured with several awards.
Dr. Nirmal Jain is well known in the field of library and information science in North America. He taught Library Science and Philosophy courses at Acadia University, Canada, and has worked as a librarian in India, Canada and USA. He has published several research projects related to information delivery effectiveness, e-publishing, quality services and Internet related issues.
Library and its Set-up
Library Automation
Knowing Internet for Library Management
Application of Internet in Library Services
Re-orientation of Library Services in the Internet Age
Information and Library Networks in India
Digital Libraries
Acquisition of Library Materials
Processing of Books
Audio-visual and Non-book Materials
Service to Readers
Stock Verification, Loss of Books and Weeding
Preservation and Maintenance of Library Collections
Internet: A Tool for Cataloguers
Electronic Journals and Electronic Books
Eleven Important Documents Regarding Librarians and Libraries