xii+244pp, 11th rev. ed.
The book discusses the philosophical and sociological perspectives of education in the context of Indian society. It analysis and interprets various educational theories in the light of needs of 21st century. The book suggests practical measures for fulfilling the objectives of secularism, socialism and democracy as envisaged in the Constitution of India. The role of different types of formal, informal and formal agencies of education in this regard is highlighted.
J C Aggarwal, a former Deputy Director of Education and Executive Director of the Delhi Bureau of Textbooks, Delhi Administration has written extensively on Education, History and contemporary affairs. Before Joining Delhi Administration, he taught in a Postgraduate Teacher Training College. His recent publications are: Educational Reforms in India – for the 21st Century; Landmarks in the History of Modern Indian Education; Essentials of Educational Technology.
Philosophical Perspectives on Education (PART 1) : Meaning, Nature & Scope of Education; Aims of Education; Meaning, Nature & Scope of Philosophy: Philosophy & Education; Concept & Development of National System of Education; Sri Aurobindo Ghose(1872-1950); Swamy Vivekananda(1863-1902); Rabindranath Tagore(1861-1941); M.K. Gandhi (1869-1948); Zakir Hussain (1897-1969); Idealism; Naturalism; Pragmatism; Humanism: Comparative study of Idealism, Naturalism & Pragmatism; Practical Work: Diverse Issues Sociological Perspectives on Education(PART 11) : Meaning Concept & Importance of Educational Sociology; Sociological Bases of Education; Social Aims of Education; Contemporary Social System in India: Its Structure(Caste & Class); Guiding Principles of Indian Policy; Secularism; Socialism; Democracy; National Integration & Role of Teacher; Socialisation & Education; Social Change, Nature, Process, Causes & Effects; Education as a Means & Product of Social Change; Role of Education in Preservation of Cultural Heritage of India; Informal, Formal & Non-Formal Agencies; Role of Family, School, Community (NGOs) & State in Education; Constitutional Provisions Regarding Elementary Education; Girls Education; Problems, Issues & Remedies Regarding Child Labour; Problems, Issues & Remedies Regarding Children with Special Needs; Problems, Issues & Remedies Regarding Disadvantaged Sections; Practical Work: Diverse Issues